📣 What's new in Karmly - 1.1.0

September 24, 2022

Dashboard Task Suggestion

We have overhauled our task activity dashboard component. Karmly will suggest your most important tasks based on your project finish date and the amount of work outstanding on each task.


Fixed Fee Projects

Agree on the cost of a project with your client upfront and use our fixed fee projects to invoice the agreed amount. Record time against a fixed fee project for your own recordkeeping and reporting.


Timer on Mobile

Recording time on your mobile has become even easier, by putting the timer right at your fingertips. Head to app.karmly.io on your phone to check it out.


Blank Invoices

Build your own invoice starting with a blank invoice in Karmly. 


Fixes and Improvements

  • Invoice recipient - removed a restriction that stopped draft invoices from being saved without a recipient.

  • Invoice timesheet breakdown - Replaced Work with Task on the timesheet breakdown that is attached to invoices when they are sent.

  • Resume editing - Improved the user experience when editing your resume by removing the high-level save.

  • Default logo - Provided the ability to remove the default Karmly company logo.

  • Project details - Simplified the project details by removing the project billing name and updating some of the field names.

  • Client billing name - Removed the client billing name from the client details.

  • Bank account - Added a field for bank account and updated the default invoice template to use this value rather than relying on text updates.

  • Draft invoice lines - Simplified the addition of invoice lines to a draft invoice by combining the different line types into one.

  • Invoice line attribution - Manually added invoice lines can now be assigned to a project. Allowing them to be used in reporting budgeted vs actuals.

  • App-wide time - Corrected an issue that prevented some components from correctly updating time tools when new time is recorded.

  • Invoice placeholders - Added a placeholder for Task, available for use in your invoice template

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